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Isaac Myers

Running for:



Greenwood High School

Graduation Year:


Years in TSA:



Letter to Our Members

Dear Present and Future ARTSA members,

     For those of you that have never met me, my name is Isaac Myers. As of 2024, I am a Junior at Greenwood High School, and I have been in TSA for 4 years. This is my last year that I can campaign for a State officer position, and that has made me extremely sad as of late, but it has also made me more excited to make this year the best ever. We will do this one more time just in case you don't remember. 

     I came into TSA as an excited, young, ambitious member, who couldn't wait to get started. I jumped in with both feet, filling up every event slot I could get my hands on with various competitions that fit my career path and interests. I was hooked. I loved everything about TSA from the moment I started. The greatest thing I have ever gotten out of TSA was that I discovered my love and talent for public speaking. I won first place in my first year in Prepared Speech and gained a confidence boost that has never quite left me. My proudest achievement, however, is that I was elected to state office in the 8th grade. 

     I had seen the previous State Officers and was inspired to try my hand at a leadership position. I worked with my advisor and chapter members to see what they thought an excellent state officer should look like. Using their advice, the Cowboy State Officer was born. The Cowboy Hat has been what I have used to help people remember my name and what I represent. It has become my symbol as a State Officer. Since my 8th grade year, I have run for state office every year after that. I have served as Sergeant at Arms, Treasurer, and Vice President, and am running again this year. This year for President. What I have strived to make my goal every year is the expansion of our organization. I want to see TSA grow to the numbers that we would see in the bigger states. I have a vision of Arkansas TSA being as influential as it has been for me, to thousands. Every city with a chapter, and the best competitions in the nation. Another goal of mine is to see that everyone in TSA views each other as family. I try every year to memorize the names of everyone that comes to State or our Leadership Conference in the fall. With every grade that graduates, and every grade that comes in, this goal is quite difficult to achieve, but that doesn't mean that I plan on giving up the tradition. These goals are the same I want to carry over into the next year. This election, I have something new to offer. I now have the most TSA State Officer experience of anyone on the team, and anyone that I can think of in years past. I hope to use my knowledge of TSA rules and procedures, combined with my love of the people, to aid this year's State Officer team in leading ARTSA.

     TSA has had a major impact on my life, and I am extremely grateful to every member, fellow state officer, advisor, and State advisor that has helped me on my TSA journey. I have no intention of letting those people down. I know that I have made mistakes in the past, but I understand that these mistakes are not what define me or my role as a State Officer. What defines me is the legacy I choose to leave. When I'm long gone, I want to leave behind the legacy of one who knew the people. The one that knew how to have fun, but also knew when to take something seriously. One who people could look up to. I want to be the Officer that inspires others, the way the officers in 7th grade inspired me. I want to be the officer that Arkansas TSA both wants and needs. And I am willing to work to achieve that legacy. This cowboy isn't riding off into the sunset quite yet. There's still work to be done, and there is still fun to be had. I can't wait to see what my last year has in store for ARTSA.

Thank you,

Isaac Myers

Candidate Speech

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