![Red State [PNG].png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/457abe_b3d0fa7ba01d4f36bbf10812ab374821~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_11,y_0,w_2149,h_1572/fill/w_175,h_128,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Red%20State%20%5BPNG%5D.png)
Arkansas Technology Student Association

Xavier Herzig
Xavier Herzig is a Senior at Alma High School. Xavier discovered TSA when his 9th grade Computer Science teacher told him about all of the wide variety of STEM competitions TSA had to offer. Before becoming a state officer, Xavier competed in multiple competitions throughout his three years in the organization. Some of these include: Dragster Design, Architectural Design, Tech Bowl, CAD Engineering, CAD Architecture, Forensic Science, and Video Game Design. After attending multiple TSA National Conferences, Xavier had fallen in love with the environment and community that TSA has created for students all over the nation. This inspired him to become a state officer, where he now serves as Arkansas Sergeant-At-Arms. Outside of TSA, Xavier enjoys his many hobbies such as playing video games, yo-yoing, playing electric guitar, and skateboarding. Additionally, he is highly involved with other academic activities and organizations. He has competed in other events such as International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) and National History Day (NHD). Xavier is very excited to be serving as your 2024-2025 State Sergeant-At-Arms, and is looking forward to making Arkansas TSA a better place by increasing membership and strengthening the TSA community.